The Conference of Mining Ministries of the Americas (CAMMA) is a hemispheric forum dedicated to the discussion of the regional and global mineral sector.

The last edition (X CAMMA) was held in Quito, Ecuador, in 2019. Brazil will host the next edition of the Conference (XI CAMMA), in virtual format, on September 28, 2021.

The Conference is organized by the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil, in coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Technical Secretariat of CAMMA and the Conference Coordinating Committee, with the support of the electronic platform of the “Brazilian Mining Institute – IBRAM”.

It is expected that XI CAMMA contributes to update the agenda of hemispheric discussions on the mineral sector, with an emphasis on the role of critical minerals, on sustainable mining, on dam safety and on the identification of investment opportunities.


09:30 – 09:40 OPENING OF XI CAMMA
- Pedro Paulo Dias Mesquita - Secretary for Geology, Mining and Mineral Transformation of the Ministry of Mines and Energy of Brazil (SGM/MME)

Pedro Paulo

Secretário de Geologia, Mineração e Transformação Mineral do MME

Pedro Paulo Dias Mesquita, Secretário de Geologia, Mineração e Transformação Mineral, Mestre em Políticas Públicas, Estratégias e Desenvolvimento pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) 2017, pós-graduado no MBA Gestão Financeira, Controladoria e Auditoria pela Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-RJ) 2010 e graduado em Economia pela UFRJ 2008. Atuou como Gerente de Inteligência Setorial no Departamento de Mineração e Metais e no Departamento de Indústrias de Base e Extrativa do Banco Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (BNDES). Também atual como assessor da presidência da Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (Finep).

Hugo Nielson- Secretário Geral da Olami, à cargo da Secretaria Técnica da CAMMA
Jeannette Sánchez, Director of the Natural Resources Division of CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin America)

Jeannette Sánchez

Diretora da Divisão de Recursos Naturais da CEPAL

Doctora en Políticas Públicas y Transformaciones Sociales (cum laude) por la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). Estudios doctorales en Desarrollo en la Universidad Católica de Louvain-La Neuve (UCL). Master en Planificación Comunitaria y Regional (M.Sc.) por la Universidad de Texas. Master en Economía por la FLACSO-Ecuador. Economista de la Universidad Católica de Ecuador. Ex Ministra del Ministerio de Inclusión Económica y Social, del Ministerio de Coordinación de Desarrollo Social, y del Ministerio de Coordinación de Política Económica del Gobierno de Ecuador entre 2007 y 2013. Fue Presidenta del Foro de Ministros de Desarrollo Social para América Latina y El Caribe del Programa de Gestión de Transformaciones Sociales, MOST, de la UNESCO, 2009-2011. Fue Presidenta del Consejo de Desarrollo Social de la Unión de Naciones Suramericanas, UNASUR, 2009-2010. Ha sido profesora e investigadora en temas de desarrollo, macroeconomía, transformación productiva, economía social, y política pública. Profesora titular de Macroeconomía y Política Económica de la Universidad Central del Ecuador. Ha publicado varios artículos en revistas y libros nacionales e internacionales. Actualmente es Directora de la División de Recursos Naturales de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL) en Chile. Sus últimas publicaciones son: “Recursos naturales, medio ambiente y sostenibilidad: 70 años de pensamiento de la CEPAL” publicado junto a otros autores por CEPAL en el 2019; “Estado de bienestar, políticas públicas y desigualdad interétnica: reflexiones teóricas para un análisis aplicado a Ecuador” publicado en la Revista Estado & Comunes, Revista de políticas y problemas públicos del IAEN en el primer semestre del 2018.



10:05 – 10:20 “Regional Value Chains of Critical Minerals in the Americas” (IGF/FMDSA). Amir Lebdioui – London School of Economics and Political Science

Dr. Amir Lebdioui

Researcher "Central America and the Caribbean (LACC)", London School of Economics

Dr Amir Lebdioui (@amirlbd) is the Canning House fellow in the Latin American and Caribbean Centre of the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). His research focuses on export diversification, industrial policy, extractive resource value chains and environmental sustainability. He regularly advises and carries out consultancies for international organizations, think-tanks, and governments. He holds a PhD in Development Economics from the University of Cambridge.

10:20 – 10:30 “EU – Latin America partnership on raw materials”. Gerardo Herrera - Policy Officer at the European Commission

Herrera, Gerardo

Policy Officer at the European Commission, and research professor at the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME/CSIC)

olicy Officer at the European Commission, DG GROW, Energy Intensive Industries and Raw Materials Unit, dealing with raw materials intelligence, earth observation and the EU – Latin America partnership on raw materials. He is also a research professor at the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME/CSIC) specialized in Earth Observation applications to Geoscience.

10:30 – 10:40 “Mineral chains for the energy transition in Brazil”. Enir Sebastião Mendes – Director of the Department of Mineral Transformation and Technology of the MME.

Enir Sebastião Mendes

Diretor de Transformação e Tecnonologia Mineral do Ministério de Minas e Energia do Brasil

Geólogo, Especialista em Desenvolvimento Sustentável e Direito Ambiental, Especialista em Gestão Pública, Especialista em Sustentabilidade e Políticas Públicas Atuação profissional em prospecção e pesquisa mineral, projetos mínero- metalúrgicos, planejamento de lavra, controle de qualidade, monitoramento ambiental e recuperação de áreas degradadas em projetos de geologia e mineração. Experiência em gestão pública como Analista de Infraestrutura. Atualmente, Diretor do Departamento de Transformação e Tecnologia Mineral da Secretaria de Geologia, Mineração e Transformação Mineral, do Ministério de Minas e Energia.

10:40 - 10:45 Q&A


10:45 - 10:55 Anna Shpitsberg –Deputy Assistant Secretary, US State Department

Anna Shpitsberg

Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Transformation at the U.S. Department of State.

Anna Shpitsberg serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Transformation at the U.S. Department of State. Ms. Shpitsberg is responsible for supporting a shift to a decarbonized economy that enables secure and resilient energy systems. Shpitsberg leads efforts and advises on power market reform, clean energy financing, and resilient supply chains to support transitioning power, transport, and end-use sectors. Additionally, she leads U.S. representation at the International Renewable Energy Agency, and other bilateral and multilateral engagements on energy with U.S. allies and partnersAnna Shpitsberg serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Transformation at the U.S. Department of State. Ms. Shpitsberg is responsible for supporting a shift to a decarbonized economy that enables secure and resilient energy systems. Shpitsberg leads efforts and advises on power market reform, clean energy financing, and resilient supply chains to support transitioning power, transport, and end-use sectors. Additionally, she leads U.S. representation at the International Renewable Energy Agency, and other bilateral and multilateral engagements on energy with U.S. allies and partners Anna Shpitsberg serves as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Energy Transformation at the U.S. Department of State. Ms. Shpitsberg is responsible for supporting a shift to a decarbonized economy that enables secure and resilient energy systems. Shpitsberg leads efforts and advises on power market reform, clean energy financing, and resilient supply chains to support transitioning power, transport, and end-use sectors. Additionally, she leads U.S. representation at the International Renewable Energy Agency, and other bilateral and multilateral engagements on energy with U.S. allies and partners

10:55 - 11:05 Daniele La Porta – World Bank

Daniele La Porta

Senior Mining Specialist and co-founder of the Climate-Smart Mining Initiative at the   World Bank Group

Daniele La Porta is a Senior Mining Specialist with the Energy and Extractives Global Practice of the World Bank, where she works on mineral sector governance and sustainable development in mineral rich developing countries. In this role, she manages projects in Sierra Leone, Brazil, and Liberia. She also leads the Climate-Smart Mining Initiative. Daniele has extensive experience working with developing countries to ensure natural resources achieve more sustainable outcomes. She advises and works with governments on institutional reforms and crafting strong governance policies. Daniele also has experience in mineral exploration and development. Daniele is Brazilian with degrees in Geology and Environmental Management.

11:05 – 11:15 Q&A


11:15 - 11:25 Luiz Paniago – Manager of the National Mining Agency of Brazil

Luiz Paniago

Gerente da Agência Nacional de Mineração do Brasil

Geólogo pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB - 2006), trainee e geólogo da Votorantim Metais (2007 - 2009), gerente de geoprocessamento da Agência de Meio Ambiente de Brasília (IBRAM - 2010), mestre em Geologia Econômica e Prospecção (UnB - 2011), especialista em recursos minerais, especialista em segurança de barragens (Universidade da Bahia - UFBA - 2013), coordenador de fiscalização de pesquisa mineral (ANM - 2015), gerente de segurança de barragens de mineração na ANM e superintendente de produção mineral substituto.

11:25 - 11:35 Alfonso Domeyco Letelier – National Director of the National Geology and Mining Survey of Chile.

Alfonso Domeyko Letelier

Diretor Nacional do Serviço Nacional de Geologia e Mineração do Chile

Abogado de la Universidad de Los Andes. Magister en Derecho “LLM Derecho Regulatorio” de la Pontificia Universidad Católica, Diplomado en “Gobernabilidad y Gestión Territorial” de la misma casa de estudios. Es profesor del curso “Régimen de Autorizaciones de Bienes Fiscales y Nacionales de Uso Público” en diplomado de Derecho y Negocio Inmobiliario de la Facultad de Derecho de la PUC, curso también impartido en Magister de Derecho de la Energía de la U. Mayor. Ha participado también como expositor en materias relativas a recursos naturales en varios seminarios de Derecho organizados por la PUC. Amplia experiencia en temas regulatorios, administrativos, sancionatorios, recursos naturales, litigación judicial y administrativa, habiéndose desempeñado como asesor en numerosos proyectos de infraestructura y grandes obras. En su trayectoria profesional ha desempeñado cargos en los ámbitos público y privado, como Fiscal y Subsecretario (S) del Ministerio de Bienes Nacionales (2010 a 2014), así como abogado del estudio Montt y Cia., y Peribonio & Cia Consultores. En materia legislativa ha participado en tramitación de diversos proyectos de ley, como la Ley que modifica la administración, planificación y regulación del borde costero; la Ley de modificación a la administración de bienes fiscales; entre otros. En abril de 2018 ingresa al Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería como Abogado, jefe del Departamento Jurídico. Estuvo de director nacional subrogante del Servicio desde octubre de 2018 a marzo de 2019, y su nombramiento se oficializó mediante Decreto N°14 del 31 de mayo de 2019, del Ministerio de Minería.

11:35– 11:45 Q&A


11:45 - 11:55 Flávio Ottoni Penido – Director President IBRAM

Flávio Ottoni Penido

Diretor-Presidente do Instituto Brasileiro de Mineração - IBRAM

Flávio Ottoni Penido is President of Brazilian Mining Association – IBRAM since June 2019 and representative of the Institute to the COPAM, the Environmental Policy Council of the state of Minas Gerais. The executive is a Mining Engineer at UFMG with a postgraduate degree in Economic Engineering and has several extension courses in Brazil and abroad. He has solid experience in business administration, development and implementation of large projects, operation in the mineral sector, commercial sector, economic and feasibility studies and evaluation of companies. He is a founding partner of OPEN Brasil & Associates and in this condition actively participated in the processes of sale, acquisition and privatization of mining companies such as Vale, MBR, Samitri, Samarco, J. Mendes, Itaminas and others, working with companies such as Rio Tinto, Billiton, BHP, Sumitomo and others. In his professional career, he was director of Minerações Brasileiras Reunidas - MBR and Companhia Mineradora de Minas Gerais – COMIG - and CEO of Vanádio de Maracás. His competence to lead multidisciplinary teams and pursue results stands out.

11:55 - 12:05 Mark Boyland – Director of Lands and Minerals Sector. Ministry of Natural Resources - Canada

Mark Boyland

Director of the Industry and Economic Analysis Division, Lands and Minerals Sector, Natural Resources Canada

Mark Boyland is the Director of the Industry and Economic Analysis Division, Lands and Minerals Sector, Natural Resources Canada. Mark has been with Natural Resources Canada for sixteen years working on economic and policy issues. He has a PhD in Forestry from the University of British Columbia.

12:05– 12:15 Q&A
12:15 – 12:30 Closing remarks (SGM/MRE)

Lunch Break


Opening 14h30- Finish 17h- Conference Ministerial Session- Specific personal, and non transferable invitation

Participation in the afternoon session (“Conference Ministerial Session”) is limited to representatives of the Ministries of Mines of the Americas and accredited observers.